گاي بنعناع is a speculative journey through North African temporality, collapsing the experiences of three generations of artists from the same family in the fantasy of an utopian café, where book swapping met, cruising, music listening and mint tea drinking in the shishas’ fog.
gay bi na3na3 گاي بنعناع (gay à la menthe)) is the speculative soundtrack of what would have played on the record player at Tami’s (my grandfather) café. The music is built with samples of Moroccan music sourced from cassette tapes and records inherited from my father Mohamed. The samples are sent to a magical decolonial sequencer that generates new beats, or retro-predicts an imaginary intellectual queer arab playlist. I spat some bars over the instrumental tracks, sometimes talked or slammed, sometimes rapped.
Queer Time est une performance où Phoenix parle dans un micro de la difficulté de se présenter, de changements physiques, de changement de perspective, de dissonance, de queerness, d’arabité et de temps non-linéaire.
Queer Time is a performance in which Phoenix speaks into a microphone about the difficulty of presenting oneself, physical changes, shifting perspectives, dissonance, queerness, Arabness and non-linear time.